Thursday, October 22, 2009

New Media Journalism Projects

Here are two video projects I put together for my New Media Journalism class. They are far from perfect, but it was good experience and I learned a lot about the process of producing and editing these mini-stories. Felt good to improve my video skills a bit.

The Exchange

This is a video project I did for my Advanced Digital Video class at AUT. I wrote, directed, and shot it with my classmates Dan Cook, Gavin D'Souza and Serra Oni Mu, then we each edited a cut individually. Big thanks to stars Hanne Damgaard-Mogensen and Rune Wejdling, my fantastic Danish cast!

This is unfinished at the moment as the project could only be two minutes long, but I will finish the edit next month and post a longer version with additional scenes.


Canyoning in Piha

1, 2, 3, JUMP!

Tamaki Maori Village - Rotorua

Random Frames

Queenstown to Wellington

The Bay of Islands